PUMA Library Reference Manual
No Matches


Common abstractions for source projects and parsing.


class  Puma::Config
 Load and hold PUMA configuration options in the correct order from the command line or a configuration file. More...
class  Puma::ConfOption
 Configuration option abstraction. More...
class  Puma::ErrorCollector
 Error stream implementation that collects all messages in an internal message stack. More...
class  Puma::ErrorSeverity
 Severity of errors represented by a short integer and a textual representation. More...
class  Puma::ErrorSink
 This is an interface for classes that may be used to consume error messages during a process where many errors can occur like parsing a program. More...
class  Puma::ErrorStream
 An error stream is a special ErrorSink that prints out an error message as soon as it is complete. More...
class  Puma::Filename
 Abstraction of a filename using a smart pointer for automatic memory allocation / deallocation. More...
class  Puma::FilenameInfo
 Information about a filename supporting Puma::SmartPtr. More...
class  Puma::FileUnit
 Special Unit for files. More...
class  Puma::LanguageID
 A language ID is a unique identifier for a language. More...
class  Puma::Location
 Location of a token in a source file. More...
class  Puma::MacroUnit
 Specialized unit for preprocessor macro expansions. More...
class  Puma::OptsParser
 The options parser searches command line parameters for options and handles their option arguments, if applicable. More...
class  Puma::ParserKey
 Options parser key helper. More...
class  Puma::PathInfo
 A path information object consists of a source and optionally its destination path. More...
class  Puma::PathIterator
 A path iterator is used to iterate the contents of the paths a project is managing. More...
class  Puma::PathManager
 Source and destination path and file management. More...
class  Puma::Project
 A project is a set of source directories. More...
class  Puma::ProjectFile
 Project file abstraction used to store all filenames relevant for a specific file. More...
class  Puma::SaveMode
 Project file save modes. More...
class  Puma::SimpleParser
 Simple string tokenizer taking a string and providing a list of the tokens recognized. More...
class  Puma::Token
 Abstraction of a lexical token. More...
class  Puma::Tokenizer
 Tokenizers read input from a Source to form tokens which are stored in a Unit. More...
class  Puma::TokenStream
 Continuous token stream from a stack of token units, such as include files and files included by these files (nested includes). More...
class  Puma::Unit
 Token chain abstraction of a source file or string. More...
class  Puma::UnitIterator
 Token unit iterator supporting iteration from the beginning of a unit or any token within that unit. More...
class  Puma::UnitManager
 Class to manage the units built to parse the files of the source project. More...
class  Puma::UnitState
 Unit state information, like modification state and time of last modification. More...
class  Puma::UnitTokenSrc
 Token unit iterator implementing the token source interface. More...