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PUMA Library Reference Manual
▼ src | |
► aspects | |
CC1XTree.h | AspectC++ specific syntax tree classes |
► basics | |
Array.h | Variable length array implementation |
BCList.h | Bucket list implementation |
BCStack.h | Bucket stack implementation |
Chain.h | Simple chain implementation |
ConstSizeMemPool.h | Constant size memory block pool implementation |
DString.h | Global hash table based string container |
FdSource.h | File descriptor input source implementation |
FileSource.h | File source wrapper |
Heap.h | Heap implementation |
KeyboardSource.h | Keyboard input source implementation |
Limits.h | Type size limits |
List.h | Double-linked list implementation |
ListElement.h | Double-linked list element |
MemPool.h | Memory pool implementation |
Pipe.h | Input/output pipe implementation |
PipedCmd.h | External command execution implementation |
Printable.h | Object printing |
PtrStack.h | Layered pointer stack implementation |
RegComp.h | Wrapper for regular expression matching |
Sink.h | Output sink interface |
SmartPtr.h | Smart pointer implementation |
Source.h | Input source interface |
Stack.h | Stack implementation |
StrCol.h | Collection of string helper functions |
StrHashKey.h | String hash table key implementation |
StrHashTable.h | String hash table implementation |
StringSource.h | String input source implementation |
SysCall.h | Encapsulation of system dependent file system operations |
TerminalSink.h | Standard output to terminal sink |
TokenSource.h | Token source interface |
VerboseMgr.h | Manager for verbose manager |
version.h | Library version information |
VoidPtrArray.h | Array of void pointers |
WChar.h | Wide character string support |
► common | |
Config.h | Configuration information from file or command line |
ConfOption.h | Configuration option abstraction |
ErrorCollector.h | Error stream implementation |
ErrorSeverity.h | Severity of errors |
ErrorSink.h | Error sink interface |
ErrorStream.h | Error stream implementation |
Filename.h | Filename abstraction |
FilenameInfo.h | Filename information |
FileUnit.h | Unit for files |
LanguageID.h | Language identifier implementation |
Location.h | Token location implementation |
MacroUnit.h | Macro expansion unit implementation |
OptsParser.h | Command line options parser |
ParserKey.h | Options parser key helper |
PathInfo.h | Path information implementation |
PathIterator.h | Iterator implementation for paths |
PathManager.h | Source and destination path and file management |
Project.h | Project file handling |
ProjectFile.h | Project file information |
SaveMode.h | File save modes |
SimpleParser.h | Simple string tokenizer |
Token.h | Token abstraction |
Tokenizer.h | String tokenizer interface |
TokenStream.h | Input token stream |
Unit.h | Token chain abstraction |
UnitIterator.h | Token unit iterator |
UnitManager.h | Token unit management |
UnitState.h | Unit modification state |
UnitTokenSrc.h | Token source for source files |
► cpp | |
ImportHandler.h | |
PreAnswer.h | |
PreArgDesc.h | |
PreAssertionEvaluator.h | |
PreExpr.h | |
PreExprLexer.h | |
PreFileIncluder.h | |
PreLevelState.h | |
PreMacro.h | |
PreMacroExpander.h | |
PreMacroManager.h | |
PreMacroOpTokens.h | |
PreParserState.h | |
PrePredicate.h | |
PrePredicateManager.h | |
PrePrintVisitor.h | |
PreprocessorParser.h | |
PreSemIterator.h | |
PreSonIterator.h | |
PreTree.h | Base preprocessor syntax tree class |
PreTreeComposite.h | Base preprocessor syntax tree composite class |
PreTreeIterator.h | |
PreTreeNodes.h | Preprocessor syntax tree classes |
PreTreeToken.h | Preprocessor syntax tree leaf class (representing a token) |
PreVisitor.h | |
► infos | |
► types | |
CTypeAddress.inc | Type of a reference |
CTypeArray.inc | Type of an array |
CTypeBitField.inc | Type of a bit-field |
CTypeClass.inc | Type of a class |
CTypeEnum.inc | Type of an enumeration |
CTypeFunction.inc | Type of a function |
CTypeInfo.h | Entity type information |
CTypeList.inc | Type list |
CTypeMemberPointer.inc | Type of a member pointer |
CTypePointer.inc | Type of a pointer |
CTypePrimitive.inc | Primitive types |
CTypeQualified.inc | Type qualification |
CTypeRecord.inc | Type of a class or union |
CTypeTemplateParam.inc | Type of a template parameter |
CTypeUnion.inc | Type of a union |
CTypeVarArray.inc | Type of a variable length array |
CArgumentInfo.h | Semantic information about a function parameter |
CAttributeInfo.h | Semantic information about local/global objects and class data members |
CBaseClassInfo.h | Semantic information about a base class of a class |
CCandidateInfo.h | Representation of a C++ overload resolution candidate |
CClassDatabase.h | Alias for CSemDatabase |
CClassInfo.h | Semantic information about a class |
CClassInstance.h | Semantic information about an instance of a class template |
CEnumeratorInfo.h | Semantic information about an enumeration constant |
CEnumInfo.h | Semantic information about an enumeration |
CFctInstance.h | Semantic information about an instance of a function template |
CFileInfo.h | Semantic information about a source file (translation unit) |
CFunctionInfo.h | Semantic information about a function |
CLabelInfo.h | Semantic information about a jump label |
CLocalScope.h | Semantic information about a local scope in a function body |
CMemberAliasInfo.h | Semantic information about a member alias |
CNamespaceInfo.h | Semantic information about a namespace |
CObjectInfo.h | Basic semantic information class |
CRecord.h | Semantic information about a class or union |
CScopeInfo.h | Semantic information about a scope |
CScopeRequest.h | Additional scope information |
CSemDatabase.h | Semantic information database |
CSourceInfo.h | Source file information |
CStructure.h | Semantic information about entities that can contain other entity declarations |
CTemplateInfo.h | Semantic information about a template declaration |
CTemplateInstance.h | Semantic information about a template instance |
CTemplateParamInfo.h | Semantic information about a template parameter |
CTypedefInfo.h | Semantic information about a typedef |
CUnionInfo.h | Semantic information about a union |
CUnionInstance.h | Semantic information about an instance of a union template |
CUsingInfo.h | Semantic information about a using-directive |
► manip | |
CMatch.h | |
CMatchChecker.h | |
CSubMatch.h | |
CTreeMatcher.h | |
ManipCommander.h | Token chain manipulation |
ManipController.h | |
Manipulators.h | |
MatchCollector.h | |
Rule.h | |
RuleTable.h | |
► parser | |
► acparser | |
ACIntroducer.h | |
► ccparser | |
► instantiation | |
CCInstantiation.h | |
DeducedArgument.h | |
InstantiationBuilder.h | |
InstantiationCandidate.h | |
InstantiationParser.h | |
InstantiationSemantic.h | |
InstantiationSyntax.h | |
InstantiationTokenProvider.h | Instantiation token provider |
InstantiationTokenSource.h | |
CCAssocScopes.h | |
CCBuilder.h | |
CCConversion.h | |
CCConversions.h | |
CCConvSeq.h | |
CCNameLookup.h | |
CCOverloading.h | |
CCParser.h | |
CCSemantic.h | |
CCSemDeclarator.h | |
CCSemExpr.h | |
CCSemVisitor.h | |
CCSyntax.h | |
DelayedParseTree.h | Delayed parse syntax tree classes |
► cparser | |
CBuilder.h | |
CLanguage.h | Entity name encoding |
CLinkage.h | Entity name linkage |
CParser.h | C parser abstraction |
CPrintVisitor.h | CTree based syntax tree printing |
CProject.h | |
CProtection.h | C++ class member protection |
CSemantic.h | |
CSemDeclarator.h | Semantic declarator analysis |
CSemDeclSpecs.h | Semantic declaration specifier analysis |
CSemExpr.h | |
CSemVisitor.h | |
CSpecifiers.h | C/C++ declaration specifiers |
CStorage.h | C/C++ object storage classes |
CStrLiteral.h | String literal abstraction |
CSyntax.h | Parser for the C programming language (C99) |
CTokens.h | C/C++ token types |
CTranslationUnit.h | Abstraction of a translation unit |
CTree.h | C/C++ syntax tree classes |
CUnit.h | C/C++ token chain |
GnuCTree.h | GNU C/C++ specific syntax tree classes |
Utf8.h | |
WinCTree.h | VisualC++ specific syntax tree classes |
Builder.h | Basic syntax tree builder component |
CConstant.h | Semantic information for arithmetic constants |
CExprValue.h | Semantic information for constant expression values in the syntax tree |
CSemObject.h | Semantic information about entity definitions |
CSemScope.h | Scope information for the syntax tree |
CSemValue.h | Semantic value information for the syntax tree |
CVisitor.h | CTree based tree visitor |
CWStrLiteral.h | Wide string literal abstraction |
Parser.h | Generic parser abstraction |
Semantic.h | Basic semantic analysis component |
Syntax.h | Basic syntactic analysis component |
TokenProvider.h | Token provider abstraction |
Tracing.h | Tracing support for the parser |
► scanner | |
CCLexer.h | |
CCommentTokens.h | White space and comment token types |
CLexer.h | |
CLexerBuffer.h | |
CScanner.h | |
CWildcardTokens.h | Wildcard token types |
Lexer.h | |
LexerBuffer.h | |
LexerMap.h |