CPuma::CSyntax::AbstDeclarator | |
CPuma::ACIntroducer | |
CPuma::CSyntax::AddExpr | |
CPuma::CSyntax::AndExpr | |
►CPuma::Array< Item > | Variable length array implementation |
►CPuma::PtrStack< CTree > | |
►CPuma::Builder | Syntax tree builder base class |
►CPuma::CBuilder | |
►CPuma::CCBuilder | |
CPuma::InstantiationBuilder | |
►CPuma::PtrStack< CObjectInfo > | |
►CPuma::Semantic | Semantic analysis base class |
►CPuma::CSemantic | |
►CPuma::CCSemantic | |
CPuma::InstantiationSemantic | |
CPuma::PtrStack< Puma::CStructure > | |
CPuma::Stack< bool > | |
CPuma::Stack< const char * > | |
CPuma::Stack< CProtection::Type > | |
CPuma::Stack< Puma::Syntax::State > | |
CPuma::Stack< Puma::CTree * > | |
CPuma::Stack< MemberAccessOperator > | |
CPuma::Stack< unsigned > | |
CPuma::Stack< Item > | Stack implementation based on a variable length array |
CPuma::Array< _state > | |
CPuma::Array< bool > | |
CPuma::Array< CObjectInfo * > | |
CPuma::Array< const char * > | |
CPuma::Array< CProtection::Type > | |
CPuma::Array< CTree * > | |
CPuma::Array< DeducedArgument * > | |
CPuma::Array< InstantiationCandidate * > | |
CPuma::Array< int > | |
CPuma::Array< MemberAccessOperator > | |
CPuma::Array< Message * > | |
CPuma::Array< Puma::CArgumentInfo * > | |
CPuma::Array< Puma::CAttributeInfo * > | |
CPuma::Array< Puma::CBaseClassInfo * > | |
CPuma::Array< Puma::CCandidateInfo * > | |
CPuma::Array< Puma::CCConversion * > | |
CPuma::Array< Puma::CCConvSeq * > | |
CPuma::Array< Puma::CClassInfo * > | |
CPuma::Array< Puma::CEnumeratorInfo * > | |
CPuma::Array< Puma::CFunctionInfo * > | |
CPuma::Array< Puma::CLabelInfo * > | |
CPuma::Array< Puma::CMatch * > | |
CPuma::Array< Puma::CMemberAliasInfo * > | |
CPuma::Array< Puma::CNamespaceInfo * > | |
CPuma::Array< Puma::CObjectInfo * > | |
CPuma::Array< Puma::CRecord * > | |
CPuma::Array< Puma::CScopeInfo * > | |
CPuma::Array< Puma::CStructure * > | |
CPuma::Array< Puma::CSubMatch * > | |
CPuma::Array< Puma::CTemplateInfo * > | |
CPuma::Array< Puma::CTemplateParamInfo * > | |
CPuma::Array< Puma::CTree * > | |
CPuma::Array< Puma::CTypeInfo * > | |
CPuma::Array< Puma::CUsingInfo * > | |
CPuma::Array< Puma::DeducedArgument * > | |
CPuma::Array< Puma::MacroUnit > | |
CPuma::Array< Puma::PathInfo > | |
CPuma::Array< Puma::PreMacro * > | |
CPuma::Array< Puma::PreTree * > | |
CPuma::Array< Puma::RegComp * > | |
CPuma::Array< Puma::Syntax::State > | |
CPuma::Array< Puma::Token * > | |
CPuma::Array< Puma::Unit * > | |
►CPuma::Array< T * > | |
CPuma::PtrStack< T > | Layered stack for pointers to objects |
►CPuma::Array< UnitTokenSrc * > | |
CPuma::TokenStream | Continuous token stream from a stack of token units, such as include files and files included by these files (nested includes) |
CPuma::Array< unsigned > | |
CPuma::CCSyntax::ArrayDelim | |
CPuma::CSyntax::ArrayDelim | |
CPuma::CSyntax::AsmDef | |
CPuma::CCSyntax::AssExpr | |
CPuma::CSyntax::AssExpr | |
CPuma::CCSyntax::AssExpr1 | |
CPuma::CSyntax::AssExpr1 | |
►CPuma::BCList< Item, BUCKET_SIZE > | List of fixed-size buckets |
CPuma::BCStack< long, 8192 > | |
CPuma::BCStack< Puma::CSemDeclSpecs *, 256 > | |
CPuma::BCStack< Puma::CT_DeclSpecSeq *, 256 > | |
CPuma::BCStack< bool, 256 > | |
CPuma::BCStack< Item, BUCKET_SIZE > | Stack of fixed-size buckets |
CPuma::BCList< bool, BUCKET_SIZE > | |
CPuma::BCList< Item, 32 > | |
CPuma::BCList< long, BUCKET_SIZE > | |
CPuma::BCList< Puma::CSemDeclSpecs *, BUCKET_SIZE > | |
CPuma::BCList< Puma::CT_DeclSpecSeq *, BUCKET_SIZE > | |
CPuma::BCList< TokenInfo, 8192 > | |
CPuma::CCSyntax::BlockDecl | |
CPuma::CSyntax::BlockDecl | |
CPuma::CSyntax::CastExpr | |
CPuma::CSyntax::CastExpr1 | |
CPuma::CSyntax::CastExpr2 | |
CPuma::CCandidateInfo | Representation of a candidate for the C++ function overload resolution mechanism |
CPuma::CCAssocScopes | |
►CPuma::CCConversion | |
CPuma::CCArrayToPointerConv | |
CPuma::CCBooleanConv | |
►CPuma::CCConvSeq | |
CPuma::CCEllipsisConvSeq | |
CPuma::CCStandardConvSeq | |
CPuma::CCUserDefinedConvSeq | |
CPuma::CCDerivedToBaseConv | |
CPuma::CCFloatingIntegralConv | |
CPuma::CCFloatingPointConv | |
CPuma::CCFloatingPointPromotion | |
CPuma::CCFunctionToPointerConv | |
CPuma::CCIdentityConv | |
CPuma::CCIntegralConv | |
CPuma::CCIntegralPromotion | |
CPuma::CCLvalueToRvalueConv | |
CPuma::CCPointerConv | |
CPuma::CCPointerToMemberConv | |
CPuma::CCQualificationConv | |
CPuma::CCUserDefinedConv | |
CPuma::CCConversions | |
CPuma::CCInstantiation | |
CPuma::CCNameLookup | |
CPuma::CCOverloading | |
CPuma::CCSemExpr | |
►CPuma::CExprValue | Base class for syntax tree nodes representing expressions that can be resolved to a constant value (arithmetic constants and string literals) |
CPuma::CConstant | Semantic information object for arithmetic constants |
CPuma::CStrLiteral | String literal abstraction |
CPuma::CWStrLiteral | Wide string literal abstraction |
►CPuma::Chain | Simple single-linked chain implementation |
CPuma::PreMacro | |
CPuma::StrHashKey | String hash table key |
CPuma::CLanguage | Language specific encoding of entity names |
CPuma::CCSyntax::ClassHead | |
CPuma::CSyntax::ClassHead | |
CPuma::CCSyntax::ClassHead1 | |
CPuma::CSyntax::ClassKey | |
CPuma::CCSyntax::ClassName | |
CPuma::CCSyntax::ClassOrNsName | |
CPuma::CCSyntax::ClassTemplateName | |
CPuma::CLinkage | Linkage of an entity name (object, function, etc) |
CPuma::CMatch | |
CPuma::CSyntax::CmpdLiteral | |
CPuma::CSyntax::CmpdStmt | |
CPuma::CSyntax::CmpdStr | |
►CPuma::CObjectInfo | Abstract base class of all semantic information classes |
►CPuma::CScopeInfo | Semantic information about a scope |
►CPuma::CStructure | Base class of all semantic information classes for entities that can contain other entity declarations (like classes, namespaces, functions) |
►CPuma::CFunctionInfo | Semantic information about a function, method, overloaded operator, or user conversion function |
CPuma::CFctInstance | Semantic information about an instance of a function template |
CPuma::CLocalScope | Semantic information about a local scope in a function body, also called block scope |
►CPuma::CNamespaceInfo | Semantic information about a user-defined namespace |
CPuma::CFileInfo | Semantic information about a source file (translation unit) |
►CPuma::CRecord | Semantic information about a class or union |
►CPuma::CClassInfo | Semantic information about a class |
CPuma::CClassInstance | Semantic information about an instance of a class template |
►CPuma::CUnionInfo | Semantic information about a union |
CPuma::CUnionInstance | Semantic information about an instance of a union template |
CPuma::CTemplateInfo | Semantic information about a template declaration |
►CPuma::CScopeRequest | Provides additional scope information for semantic objects that are not scopes itself (like objects) |
CPuma::CArgumentInfo | Semantic information about a function parameter |
►CPuma::CAttributeInfo | Semantic information about a local or global object or a class data member |
CPuma::CEnumeratorInfo | Semantic information about an enumeration constant |
CPuma::CBaseClassInfo | Semantic information about a base class of a class |
CPuma::CEnumInfo | Semantic information about an enumeration |
CPuma::CLabelInfo | Semantic information about a jump label |
CPuma::CMemberAliasInfo | Semantic information about a member alias |
CPuma::CTypedefInfo | Semantic information about a typedef |
CPuma::CUsingInfo | Semantic information about a using-directive |
CPuma::CTemplateParamInfo | Semantic information about a template parameter |
CPuma::CCSyntax::ColonColon | |
CPuma::CCSyntax::CondExpr | |
CPuma::CSyntax::CondExpr | |
CPuma::CCSyntax::Condition | |
CPuma::CSyntax::Condition | |
CPuma::CCSyntax::Condition1 | |
CPuma::CCSyntax::Condition2 | |
CPuma::Config | Load and hold PUMA configuration options in the correct order from the command line or a configuration file |
CPuma::ConfOption | Configuration option abstraction |
CPuma::CCSyntax::ConstExpr | |
CPuma::CSyntax::ConstExpr | |
►CPuma::LexerBuffer::ConstIterator | |
CPuma::CLexerBuffer::ConstIterator | |
CPuma::CCSyntax::ConstructExpr | |
CPuma::ConstSizeMemPool< N > | Constant size memory block pool |
CPuma::CCSyntax::ConvFctId | |
CPuma::CCSyntax::ConvTypeId | |
CPuma::CProtection | Access protection of C++ class members for the purpose of member access control |
CPuma::CSemDatabase | Semantic information database |
►CPuma::CSemDeclarator | Class for analysing an entity declarator |
CPuma::CCSemDeclarator | |
CPuma::CSemDeclSpecs | Class for analysing a sequence of declaration specifiers |
CPuma::CSemExpr | |
►CPuma::CSemObject | Semantic information for syntax tree nodes referencing objects, classes, or any other entity |
CPuma::CT_ArgDecl | Tree node representing the declaration of a function parameter |
CPuma::CT_BitFieldDeclarator | Tree node representing a bit-field declarator |
►CPuma::CT_Call | Tree node representing explicit or implicit function calls including built-in or user-defined functions and overloaded operators |
CPuma::CT_BinaryExpr | Tree node representing a binary expression |
CPuma::CT_CallExpr | Tree node representing a function call expression |
CPuma::CT_ImplicitCall | Tree node representing implicit function calls detected by the semantic analysis |
CPuma::CT_IndexExpr | Tree node representing an index expression |
►CPuma::CT_UnaryExpr | Base class for tree nodes representing unary expressions |
CPuma::CT_AddrExpr | Tree node representing an address expression |
CPuma::CT_DerefExpr | Tree node representing a pointer dereferencing expression |
CPuma::CT_PostfixExpr | Tree node representing a postfix expression |
►CPuma::CT_ClassDef | Tree node representing a class definition |
CPuma::CT_UnionDef | Tree node representing the definition of a union |
►CPuma::CT_ClassSpec | Tree node representing a class specifier |
CPuma::CT_EnumSpec | Tree node representing an enumeration specifier |
CPuma::CT_UnionSpec | Tree node representing a union specifier |
CPuma::CT_CmpdLiteral | Tree node representing a compound literal |
CPuma::CT_Condition | Tree node representing a control-statement condition |
CPuma::CT_ConstructExpr | Tree node representing a construct expression |
CPuma::CT_DeleteExpr | Tree node representing a delete expression |
CPuma::CT_EnumDef | Tree node representing the definition of an enumeration |
CPuma::CT_Enumerator | Tree node representing a single enumeration constant |
►CPuma::CT_ExprList | Tree node representing an expression list |
CPuma::CT_DelayedParseConstInit | Tree node representing a delayed constant initializer |
CPuma::CT_FctDef | Tree node representing a function definition |
CPuma::CT_InitDeclarator | Tree node representing a declarator with initializer |
CPuma::CT_MembInit | Tree node representing a member initializer |
►CPuma::CT_MembPtrExpr | Tree node representing a member pointer expression |
CPuma::CT_MembRefExpr | Tree node representing a member reference expression |
CPuma::CT_NamedType | Tree node representing a named type |
CPuma::CT_NamespaceAliasDef | Tree node representing a namespace alias definition |
CPuma::CT_NamespaceDef | Tree node representing a namespace definition |
CPuma::CT_NewExpr | Tree node representing a new expression |
►CPuma::CT_SimpleName | Base class for all tree nodes representing a name |
►CPuma::CT_QualName | Tree node representing a qualified name |
CPuma::CT_RootQualName | Tree node representing a qualified name with introducing name separator |
►CPuma::CT_SpecialName | Base class for tree nodes representing a special name, like destructor names |
CPuma::CT_ConversionName | Tree node representing the name of a conversion function |
CPuma::CT_DestructorName | Tree node representing a destructor name |
CPuma::CT_OperatorName | Tree node representing the name of an overloaded operator |
CPuma::CT_PrivateName | Tree node representing a private name |
CPuma::CT_TemplateName | Tree node representing a template name |
►CPuma::CT_TemplateParamDecl | Base class for all tree nodesrepresenting a template parameter declaration |
CPuma::CT_NonTypeParamDecl | Tree node representing a template non-type parameter declaration |
CPuma::CT_TypeParamDecl | Tree node representing a template type parameter declaration |
►CPuma::CSemScope | Scope information object for syntax tree nodes |
►CPuma::CT_ArgDeclList | Tree node representing a function parameter list |
CPuma::CT_ArgNameList | Tree node representing a K&R function parameter name list |
CPuma::CT_ArgDeclSeq | Tree node representing a K&R function parameter declarations list |
►CPuma::CT_CmpdStmt | Tree node representing a compound statement |
CPuma::CT_DelayedParseFctBody | Tree node representing a delayed function body |
CPuma::CT_DelayedParseSkippedFctBody | Tree node representing a delayed skipped function body |
CPuma::CT_ForStmt | Tree node representing a for-statement |
CPuma::CT_Handler | Tree node representing an exception handler |
CPuma::CT_IfElseStmt | Tree node representing a if-else-statement |
CPuma::CT_IfStmt | Tree node representing a if-statement |
CPuma::CT_MembInitList | Tree node representing a constructor initializer list |
CPuma::CT_MembList | Tree node representing a member declarations list |
CPuma::CT_Program | Root node of C/C++ syntax trees |
CPuma::CT_SwitchStmt | Tree node representing a switch statement |
CPuma::CT_TemplateDecl | Tree node representing a template declaration |
CPuma::CT_TemplateParamList | Tree node representing a template parameter list |
CPuma::CT_WhileStmt | Tree node representing a while-statement |
►CPuma::CSemValue | Semantic information object about values in the syntax tree |
CPuma::CT_AnyExtension | Tree node representing a wildcard extension |
CPuma::CT_ArgDecl | Tree node representing the declaration of a function parameter |
CPuma::CT_ArrayDeclarator | Tree node representing an array declarator |
CPuma::CT_DesignatorSeq | Tree node representing a designator sequence |
CPuma::CT_ExprList | Tree node representing an expression list |
►CPuma::CT_Expression | Base class for all expression tree nodes |
CPuma::CT_AlignofExpr | Tree node representing an alignof expression |
CPuma::CT_Bool | Tree node representing a boolean literal |
CPuma::CT_BracedExpr | Tree node representing a braced expression |
CPuma::CT_Call | Tree node representing explicit or implicit function calls including built-in or user-defined functions and overloaded operators |
CPuma::CT_CastExpr | Tree node representing a cast expression |
►CPuma::CT_Character | Tree node representing a single character constant |
CPuma::CT_WideCharacter | Tree node representing a wide character constant |
CPuma::CT_CmpdLiteral | Tree node representing a compound literal |
CPuma::CT_ConstructExpr | Tree node representing a construct expression |
CPuma::CT_DeleteExpr | Tree node representing a delete expression |
CPuma::CT_Float | Tree node representing a floating point constant |
CPuma::CT_GnuStatementExpr | Tree node representing a statement expression |
CPuma::CT_IfThenExpr | Tree node representing an if-then expression |
CPuma::CT_ImplicitCast | Tree node representing an implicit cast |
CPuma::CT_IndexDesignator | Tree node representing an index designator |
CPuma::CT_Integer | Tree node representing an integer constant |
CPuma::CT_MembDesignator | Tree node representing a member designator |
CPuma::CT_MembInit | Tree node representing a member initializer |
CPuma::CT_MembPtrExpr | Tree node representing a member pointer expression |
CPuma::CT_NewExpr | Tree node representing a new expression |
CPuma::CT_OffsetofExpr | Tree node representing an offsetof expression |
CPuma::CT_SizeofExpr | Tree node representing a sizeof expression |
►CPuma::CT_StaticCast | Tree node representing a static cast |
CPuma::CT_ConstCast | Tree node representing a const cast |
CPuma::CT_DynamicCast | Tree node representing a dynamic cast |
CPuma::CT_ReintCast | Tree node representing a reinterpret cast |
CPuma::CT_ThrowExpr | Tree node representing a throw expression |
CPuma::CT_TypeTraitExpr | Tree node representing an type trait expression |
CPuma::CT_TypeidExpr | Tree node representing a typeid expression |
CPuma::CT_GnuTypeof | Tree node representing a typeof expression |
CPuma::CT_SimpleName | Base class for all tree nodes representing a name |
►CPuma::CT_String | Tree node representing a string literal |
CPuma::CT_WideString | Tree node representing a wide string literal |
CPuma::CSourceInfo | Source file information for an entity |
CPuma::CSpecifiers | C/C++ declaration specifiers for the declaration of an entity |
CPuma::CStorage | Storage class of an object |
CPuma::CSubMatch | |
CPuma::CTemplateInstance | Semantic information about a template instance |
CPuma::CTranslationUnit | Abstraction of a translation unit |
►CPuma::CTree | Base class for all C/C++ syntax tree classes |
CPuma::CT_AccessSpec | Tree node representing an access specifier |
►CPuma::CT_Any | Tree node representing a wildcard |
CPuma::CT_AnyList | Tree node representing a list wildcard |
CPuma::CT_AnyCondition | Tree node representing the condition of a wildcard |
CPuma::CT_AnyExtension | Tree node representing a wildcard extension |
CPuma::CT_ArrayDelimiter | Tree node representing an array delimiter |
CPuma::CT_BaseSpec | Tree node representing a base class specifier |
►CPuma::CT_Decl | Base class for all tree nodes representing declarations |
►CPuma::CT_AccessDecl | Tree node representing a member access declaration |
CPuma::CT_UsingDecl | Tree node representing a using declaration |
CPuma::CT_ArgDecl | Tree node representing the declaration of a function parameter |
►CPuma::CT_AsmDef | Tree node representing an inline assembly definition |
CPuma::CT_GnuAsmDef | Tree node representing an extended inline assembly definition |
CPuma::CT_ClassDef | Tree node representing a class definition |
CPuma::CT_Condition | Tree node representing a control-statement condition |
CPuma::CT_EnumDef | Tree node representing the definition of an enumeration |
CPuma::CT_Enumerator | Tree node representing a single enumeration constant |
CPuma::CT_FctDef | Tree node representing a function definition |
CPuma::CT_Handler | Tree node representing an exception handler |
CPuma::CT_LinkageSpec | Tree node representing a list of declaration with a specific linkage |
CPuma::CT_NamespaceAliasDef | Tree node representing a namespace alias definition |
CPuma::CT_NamespaceDef | Tree node representing a namespace definition |
CPuma::CT_ObjDecl | Tree node representing an object declaration |
CPuma::CT_TemplateDecl | Tree node representing a template declaration |
CPuma::CT_TemplateParamDecl | Base class for all tree nodesrepresenting a template parameter declaration |
CPuma::CT_UsingDirective | Tree node representing a namespace using directive |
►CPuma::CT_DeclSpec | Base class for all tree nodes representing declaration specifiers |
CPuma::CT_ClassSpec | Tree node representing a class specifier |
CPuma::CT_ExceptionSpec | Tree node representing an exception specifier |
CPuma::CT_GnuTypeof | Tree node representing a typeof expression |
CPuma::CT_NamedType | Tree node representing a named type |
CPuma::CT_PrimDeclSpec | Tree node representing a primitive declaration specifier |
►CPuma::CT_Declarator | Base class for all tree nodes representing declarators |
CPuma::CT_ArrayDeclarator | Tree node representing an array declarator |
CPuma::CT_BitFieldDeclarator | Tree node representing a bit-field declarator |
CPuma::CT_BracedDeclarator | Tree node representing a braced declarator |
CPuma::CT_FctDeclarator | Tree node representing a function declarator |
CPuma::CT_InitDeclarator | Tree node representing a declarator with initializer |
CPuma::CT_MembPtrDeclarator | Tree node representing a member pointer declarator |
CPuma::CT_PtrDeclarator | Tree node representing a pointer declarator |
CPuma::CT_RefDeclarator | Tree node representing a reference declarator |
►CPuma::CT_DelayedParse | Tree node representing a piece of code to be parsed delayed |
CPuma::CT_DelayedParseConstInit | Tree node representing a delayed constant initializer |
CPuma::CT_DelayedParseCtorInit | Tree node representing a delayed constructor initializer |
CPuma::CT_DelayedParseFctBody | Tree node representing a delayed function body |
CPuma::CT_DelayedParseFctTryBlock | Tree node representing a delayed function try-block |
CPuma::CT_DelayedParseParamInit | Tree node representing a delayed parameter initializer |
CPuma::CT_DelayedParsePureSpec | Tree node representing a delayed pure specifier |
CPuma::CT_DelayedParseSkippedFctBody | Tree node representing a delayed skipped function body |
CPuma::CT_Error | Error tree node that is inserted into the tree for syntactic constructs that could not be parsed |
CPuma::CT_Expression | Base class for all expression tree nodes |
CPuma::CT_GnuAsmOperand | Tree node representing an extended inline assembly operand |
CPuma::CT_GnuAsmSpec | Tree node representing an extended inline assembly specifier |
►CPuma::CT_List | Base class for tree nodes representing lists |
CPuma::Builder::Container | Container class for collecting a set of syntax tree nodes |
CPuma::CT_BaseSpecList | Tree node representing a base specifier list |
CPuma::CT_CmpdStmt | Tree node representing a compound statement |
►CPuma::CT_DeclList | Tree node representing a list of declarations |
CPuma::CT_ArgDeclList | Tree node representing a function parameter list |
CPuma::CT_ArgDeclSeq | Tree node representing a K&R function parameter declarations list |
CPuma::CT_MembList | Tree node representing a member declarations list |
CPuma::CT_Program | Root node of C/C++ syntax trees |
CPuma::CT_DeclSpecSeq | Tree node representing a sequence of declaration specifiers |
CPuma::CT_DeclaratorList | Tree node representing a list of declarators |
CPuma::CT_DesignatorSeq | Tree node representing a designator sequence |
CPuma::CT_EnumeratorList | Tree node representing a list of enumerator constants |
CPuma::CT_ExprList | Tree node representing an expression list |
CPuma::CT_ExtensionList | Tree node representing a sequence of compiler specific extensions such as attribute((...)) nodes |
CPuma::CT_GnuAsmClobbers | Tree node representing a list of extended inline assembly clobbers |
CPuma::CT_GnuAsmOperands | Tree node representing a list of extended inline assembly operands |
CPuma::CT_GnuAttribute | Tree node representing a attribute (gnu c syntax extension) Example: |
CPuma::CT_GnuLocalLabelStmt | Tree node representing a list of local labels |
►CPuma::CT_HandlerSeq | Tree node representing an exception handler sequence |
CPuma::CT_DelayedParseFctTryBlock | Tree node representing a delayed function try-block |
CPuma::CT_MembInitList | Tree node representing a constructor initializer list |
CPuma::CT_SimpleName | Base class for all tree nodes representing a name |
CPuma::CT_String | Tree node representing a string literal |
CPuma::CT_TemplateArgList | Tree node representing a template argument list |
CPuma::CT_TemplateParamList | Tree node representing a template parameter list |
►CPuma::CT_Statement | Base class for all tree nodes representing statements |
CPuma::CT_AsmBlock | Tree node representing an inline assembly block |
CPuma::CT_BreakStmt | Tree node representing a break-statement |
CPuma::CT_CaseStmt | Tree node representing a case statement |
CPuma::CT_ContinueStmt | Tree node representing a continue-statement |
CPuma::CT_DeclStmt | Tree node representing a declaration statement |
CPuma::CT_DefaultStmt | Tree node representing a default statement of a switch statement |
CPuma::CT_DoStmt | Tree node representing a do-while-statement |
CPuma::CT_ExprStmt | Tree node representing an expression statement |
CPuma::CT_ForStmt | Tree node representing a for-statement |
CPuma::CT_GnuCaseStmt | Tree node representing a label statement with case range |
CPuma::CT_GnuLocalLabelStmt | Tree node representing a list of local labels |
CPuma::CT_GotoStmt | Tree node representing a goto-stmt |
CPuma::CT_IfElseStmt | Tree node representing a if-else-statement |
CPuma::CT_IfStmt | Tree node representing a if-statement |
CPuma::CT_LabelStmt | Tree node representing a label statement |
CPuma::CT_ReturnStmt | Tree node representing a return-statement |
CPuma::CT_SwitchStmt | Tree node representing a switch statement |
CPuma::CT_TryStmt | Tree node representing a try-catch statement |
CPuma::CT_WhileStmt | Tree node representing a while-statement |
CPuma::CT_StaticAssert | Tree node representing a C++1X static_assert declaration |
CPuma::CT_Token | Tree node representing a single token in the source code |
CPuma::CTypeList | List of types |
►CPuma::CVisitor | Tree visitor implementation for CTree based syntax trees |
CPuma::CCSemVisitor | |
CPuma::CPrintVisitor | Tree visitor for printing the C/C++ syntax tree |
CPuma::CSemVisitor | |
►CPuma::CTreeMatcher | |
CPuma::CMatchChecker | |
CPuma::MatchCollector | |
CPuma::CSyntax::CvQual | |
CPuma::CSyntax::CvQualSeq | |
CPuma::CCSyntax::Decl | |
CPuma::CSyntax::Decl | |
CPuma::CSyntax::Declarator | |
CPuma::CCSyntax::DeclaratorId | |
CPuma::CSyntax::DeclaratorId | |
CPuma::CSyntax::DeclSeq | |
CPuma::CSyntax::DeclSpec | |
CPuma::CSyntax::DeclSpecSeq | |
CPuma::CCSyntax::DeclSpecSeq1 | |
CPuma::CSyntax::DeclSpecSeq1 | |
CPuma::CCSyntax::DeclStmt | |
CPuma::CCSyntax::DeleteExpr | |
CPuma::CCSyntax::DirectAbstDeclarator | |
CPuma::CSyntax::DirectAbstDeclarator | |
CPuma::CSyntax::DirectAbstDeclarator1 | |
CPuma::CSyntax::DirectDeclarator | |
CPuma::CCSyntax::DirectDeclarator1 | |
CPuma::CSyntax::DirectDeclarator1 | |
CPuma::CCSyntax::DirectNewDeclarator | |
CPuma::CCSyntax::DirectNewDeclarator1 | |
CPuma::DString | Global dictionary based string container |
CPuma::CCSyntax::ElaboratedTypeSpec | |
CPuma::CSyntax::ElaboratedTypeSpec | |
CPuma::CSyntax::Enumerator | |
CPuma::CCSyntax::EnumeratorDef | |
CPuma::CSyntax::EnumeratorDef | |
CPuma::CCSyntax::EnumeratorList | |
CPuma::CSyntax::EnumeratorList | |
CPuma::CSyntax::EnumKey | |
CPuma::CCSyntax::EnumName | |
CPuma::CSyntax::EnumSpec | |
CPuma::CSyntax::EnumSpec1 | |
CPuma::CSyntax::EquExpr | |
CPuma::ErrorSeverity | Severity of errors represented by a short integer and a textual representation |
►CPuma::ErrorSink | This is an interface for classes that may be used to consume error messages during a process where many errors can occur like parsing a program |
CPuma::ErrorCollector | Error stream implementation that collects all messages in an internal message stack |
CPuma::ErrorStream | An error stream is a special ErrorSink that prints out an error message as soon as it is complete |
CPuma::CSyntax::ExclOrExpr | |
CPuma::CSyntax::Expr | |
CPuma::CSyntax::ExprList | |
CPuma::CSyntax::ExprStmt | |
CPuma::CCSyntax::ExtensionNsDef | |
CPuma::CCSyntax::ExtensionNsDef1 | |
CPuma::CCSyntax::FctSpec | |
CPuma::CSyntax::FctSpec | |
CPuma::FileInfo | File information |
CPuma::CSyntax::ForInitStmt | |
►CPuma::Heap | Heap implementation using standard malloc and free |
CPuma::MemPool | Memory pool implementation based on a linked list of memory blocks |
CPuma::CSyntax::Identifier | |
CPuma::CSyntax::IdentifierList | |
CPuma::CCSyntax::IdExpr | |
CPuma::CSyntax::IdExpr | |
CPuma::ImportHandler | |
CPuma::CSyntax::InclOrExpr | |
CPuma::CCSyntax::InitDeclarator | |
CPuma::CSyntax::InitDeclarator | |
CPuma::CSyntax::InitDeclarator1 | |
CPuma::CSyntax::InitDeclaratorList | |
CPuma::InstantiationCandidate | |
►Cstd::ios_base | STL class |
►Cstd::basic_ios< Char > | STL class |
►Cstd::basic_ostream< Char > | STL class |
►Cstd::basic_ostringstream< Char > | STL class |
►Cstd::ostringstream | STL class |
CPuma::CUnit | Specialized token unit for C/C++ tokens |
CPuma::VerboseMgr | Indented output stream with a adjustable verbosity level |
►CPuma::BCList< Item, BUCKET_SIZE >::Iterator | Bucket list sequential iterator |
CPuma::Syntax::State | Parser state, the current position in the token stream |
CPuma::CSyntax::IterStmt | |
CPuma::CSyntax::JumpStmt | |
CPuma::CSyntax::LabelStmt | |
CPuma::LanguageID | A language ID is a unique identifier for a language |
►CPuma::Lexer | |
►CPuma::CLexer | |
CPuma::CCLexer | |
►CPuma::LexerBuffer | |
CPuma::CLexerBuffer | |
CPuma::CCSyntax::LinkageSpec | |
►CPuma::List | Double-linked list implementation |
CPuma::ManipulatorSequence | |
CPuma::PrePredicate | |
CPuma::RuleTable | |
►CPuma::Unit | Token chain abstraction of a source file or string |
CPuma::CUnit | Specialized token unit for C/C++ tokens |
CPuma::FileUnit | Special Unit for files |
CPuma::MacroUnit | Specialized unit for preprocessor macro expansions |
►CPuma::ListElement | Double-linked list element type to be used as elements for class List |
►CPuma::Manipulator | |
CPuma::CCopyBeforeManipulator | |
CPuma::CCopyManipulator | |
CPuma::CKillManipulator | |
CPuma::CMoveBeforeManipulator | |
CPuma::CMoveManipulator | |
CPuma::CReplaceManipulator | |
CPuma::CSwapManipulator | |
CPuma::CopyManipulator | |
CPuma::CutManipulator | |
CPuma::KillManipulator | |
CPuma::ManipulatorSequence | |
CPuma::MoveBeforeManipulator | |
CPuma::MoveManipulator | |
CPuma::PasteBeforeManipulator | |
CPuma::PasteManipulator | |
CPuma::PreAnswer | |
CPuma::Rule | |
CPuma::Token | Abstraction of a lexical token |
CPuma::CCSyntax::Literal | |
CPuma::CSyntax::Literal | |
CPuma::Location | Location of a token in a source file |
CPuma::CSyntax::LogAndExpr | |
CPuma::CSyntax::LogOrExpr | |
CPuma::ManipCommander | |
CPuma::ManipController | |
►Cstd::map< K, T > | STL class |
CPuma::LexerMap< L > | |
CPuma::PrePredicateManager | |
CPuma::CTreeMatcher::match_state | |
CPuma::CSyntax::MembDesignator | |
CPuma::CCSyntax::MiscSpec | |
CPuma::CSyntax::MiscSpec | |
CPuma::CCSyntax::MulExpr | |
CPuma::CSyntax::MulExpr | |
CPuma::CCSyntax::NamedNsDef | |
CPuma::CCSyntax::NamespaceAlias | |
CPuma::CCSyntax::NamespaceBody | |
CPuma::CCSyntax::NamespaceDef | |
CPuma::CCSyntax::NamespaceName | |
CPuma::CCSyntax::NestedNameSpec | |
CPuma::CCSyntax::NestedNameSpec1 | |
CPuma::CCSyntax::NewDeclarator | |
CPuma::CCSyntax::NewExpr | |
CPuma::CCSyntax::NewInit | |
CPuma::CCSyntax::NewPlacement | |
CPuma::CCSyntax::NewTypeId | |
CPuma::CCSyntax::NsAliasDef | |
CPuma::CSyntax::OffsetofExpr | |
CPuma::OptsParser::Option | Type for specifying an array of options recognized by the Option Parser |
CPuma::CCSyntax::OriginalNsDef | |
CPuma::CCSyntax::OriginalNsDef1 | |
CPuma::CCSyntax::OriginalNsName | |
CPuma::CSyntax::ParamDecl1 | |
CPuma::CCSyntax::ParamDeclClause | |
CPuma::CSyntax::ParamDeclClause | |
CPuma::CSyntax::ParamDeclList | |
►CPuma::Parser | Generic parser abstraction |
CPuma::CCParser | |
CPuma::CParser | C parser abstraction |
CPuma::InstantiationParser | |
CPuma::ParserKey | Options parser key helper |
CPuma::PathInfo | A path information object consists of a source and optionally its destination path |
CPuma::PathIterator | A path iterator is used to iterate the contents of the paths a project is managing |
►CPuma::PathManager | Source and destination path and file management |
►CPuma::Project | A project is a set of source directories |
CPuma::CProject | |
CPuma::PipedCmd | Executes a shell command and gives access to the output of the command |
CPuma::CCSyntax::PmExpr | |
CPuma::CCSyntax::PostfixExpr | |
CPuma::CSyntax::PostfixExpr | |
CPuma::CCSyntax::PostfixExpr1 | |
CPuma::CSyntax::PostfixExpr1 | |
CPuma::CCSyntax::PostfixExpr2 | |
CPuma::PreArgDesc | |
CPuma::PreAssertionEvaluator | |
CPuma::PreExpr | |
CPuma::PreExprLexer | |
CPuma::PreFileIncluder | |
CPuma::PreLevelState | |
CPuma::PreMacroExpander | |
CPuma::PreMacroManager | |
CPuma::PreParserState | |
►CPuma::PreTree | Base class for all C preprocessor syntax tree nodes |
CPuma::PreCondSemNode | Preprocessor semantic tree node for conditions |
CPuma::PreError | Preprocessor tree node representing a parse error |
CPuma::PreInclSemNode | Preprocessor semantic tree node for the #include directive containing the unit to include |
►CPuma::PreTreeComposite | Base class for all C preprocessor syntax tree composite nodes |
CPuma::PreAssertDirective | Preprocessor tree node representing an #assert directive |
CPuma::PreConditionalGroup | Preprocessor tree node representing a group of conditional directives |
CPuma::PreDefineConstantDirective | Preprocessor tree node representing a #define directive for constants |
CPuma::PreDefineFunctionDirective | Preprocessor tree node representing a #define directive for function-like macros |
CPuma::PreDirectiveGroups | Preprocessor tree node representing the directive groups in the program |
CPuma::PreElifDirective | Preprocessor tree node representing an #elif directive |
CPuma::PreElifPart | Preprocessor tree node representing a group of directives in the #elif part of an #if conditional |
CPuma::PreElseDirective | Preprocessor tree node representing an #else directive |
CPuma::PreElsePart | Preprocessor tree node representing a group of directives in the #else part of an #if conditional |
CPuma::PreEndifDirective | Preprocessor tree node representing an #endif directive |
CPuma::PreErrorDirective | Preprocessor tree node representing an #error directive |
CPuma::PreIdentifierList | Preprocessor tree node representing the identifier list of a function-like macro definition |
CPuma::PreIfDirective | Preprocessor tree node representing an #if directive |
CPuma::PreIfdefDirective | Preprocessor tree node representing an #ifdef directive |
CPuma::PreIfndefDirective | Preprocessor tree node representing an #ifndef directive |
CPuma::PreIncludeDirective | Preprocessor tree node representing an #include or #include_next directive |
CPuma::PreProgram | The root node of the preprocessor syntax tree |
CPuma::PreTokenList | Preprocessor tree node representing the token list of a macro body |
CPuma::PreTokenListPart | Preprocessor tree node representing a part of the token list of a macro body |
CPuma::PreUnassertDirective | Preprocessor tree node representing an #unassert directive |
CPuma::PreUndefDirective | Preprocessor tree node representing an #undef directive |
CPuma::PreWarningDirective | Preprocessor tree node representing a #warning directive |
CPuma::PreTreeToken | Preprocessor syntax tree leaf class representing a token |
►CPuma::PreTreeIterator | |
CPuma::PreSemIterator | |
CPuma::PreSonIterator | |
►CPuma::PreVisitor | |
CPuma::PrePrintVisitor | |
CPuma::CCSyntax::PrimExpr | |
CPuma::CSyntax::PrimExpr | |
►CPuma::Printable | Provides that possibility for an object to be used with output streams (std::ostream) |
CPuma::CT_SimpleName | Base class for all tree nodes representing a name |
►CPuma::CTypeInfo | Type information for an entity (class, function, object, etc) |
CPuma::CTypeAddress | Type of a reference |
►CPuma::CTypeArray | Type of an array |
CPuma::CTypeVarArray | Type of a variable length array |
CPuma::CTypeBitField | Type of a bit-field |
CPuma::CTypeEnum | Type of an enumeration |
►CPuma::CTypePointer | Type of a pointer |
CPuma::CTypeMemberPointer | Type of a member pointer |
CPuma::CTypePrimitive | Primitive type |
►CPuma::CTypeQualified | Type qualification |
CPuma::CTypeFunction | Type of a function |
►CPuma::CTypeRecord | Type of a class or union |
CPuma::CTypeClass | Type of a class |
CPuma::CTypeUnion | Type of a union |
CPuma::CTypeTemplateParam | Type of a template parameter |
CPuma::DeducedArgument | |
CPuma::Filename | Abstraction of a filename using a smart pointer for automatic memory allocation / deallocation |
CPuma::ManipError | |
CPuma::Unit | Token chain abstraction of a source file or string |
CPuma::CSyntax::PrivateName | |
CPuma::ProjectFile | Project file abstraction used to store all filenames relevant for a specific file |
CPuma::CCSyntax::PseudoDtorName | |
CPuma::CCSyntax::PtrOperator | |
CPuma::CSyntax::PtrOperator | |
CPuma::CCSyntax::QualId | |
CPuma::CCSyntax::QualNsSpec | |
►CPuma::SmartPtr< T >::RefCnt | Reference counter for objects used with SmartPtr |
CPuma::FilenameInfo | Information about a filename supporting Puma::SmartPtr |
CPuma::RegComp | Regular expression matching |
CPuma::CCSyntax::RelExpr | |
CPuma::CSyntax::RelExpr | |
►CPuma::SaveMode | Project file save modes |
CPuma::Project | A project is a set of source directories |
CPuma::CCSyntax::SearchScope | |
CPuma::CSyntax::SelectStmt | |
CPuma::CSyntax::ShiftExpr | |
CPuma::CCSyntax::SimpleDecl | |
CPuma::CSyntax::SimpleDecl | |
►CPuma::SimpleParser | Simple string tokenizer taking a string and providing a list of the tokens recognized |
CPuma::OptsParser | The options parser searches command line parameters for options and handles their option arguments, if applicable |
CPuma::CCSyntax::SimpleTypeSpec | |
CPuma::CSyntax::SimpleTypeSpec | |
►CPuma::Sink | Output sink interface |
CPuma::Pipe | Pipe between an input source and an output sink |
CPuma::TerminalSink | Terminal sink implementation |
CPuma::SmartPtr< T > | Template based smart pointer implementation |
CPuma::SmartPtr< Puma::FilenameInfo > | |
►CPuma::Source | Interface for all input sources |
►CPuma::FdSource | File descriptor wrapper implementing the Source interface |
CPuma::FileSource | File wrapper implementing the Source interface |
CPuma::KeyboardSource | Keyboard input wrapper implementing the Source interface |
CPuma::Pipe | Pipe between an input source and an output sink |
CPuma::StringSource | String input source implementation implementing the Source interface |
CPuma::CLexer::State | |
CPuma::PreExprLexer::State | |
CPuma::CCSyntax::Stmt | |
CPuma::CSyntax::Stmt | |
CPuma::CCSyntax::StmtSeq | |
CPuma::CSyntax::StmtSeq | |
CPuma::CCSyntax::StorageClassSpec | |
CPuma::CSyntax::StorageClassSpec | |
CPuma::StrCol | Collection of string helper functions |
CPuma::StrHashTable | String hash table backed by a fixed size array of single-linked chains |
CPuma::CSyntax::StrLiteral | |
CPuma::CSemExpr::SubObj | |
CPuma::CCSyntax::SubStmt | |
CPuma::CSyntax::SubStmt | |
►CPuma::Syntax | Syntactic analysis base class |
►CPuma::CSyntax | |
►CPuma::CCSyntax | |
CPuma::InstantiationSyntax | |
CPuma::SysCall | Encapsulates system dependent file system operations |
CPuma::CCSyntax::TemplateName | |
CPuma::TokenInfo | Provides information about a token as it is needed by the parser |
►CPuma::Tokenizer | Tokenizers read input from a Source to form tokens which are stored in a Unit |
CPuma::CScanner | |
►CPuma::TokenProvider | Reads tokens from a token source |
CPuma::InstantiationTokenProvider | Provides token infos (token pointer + context) from a syntax tree |
►CPuma::TokenSource | Token source interface |
CPuma::InstantiationTokenSource | |
CPuma::PreprocessorParser | |
CPuma::TokenStream | Continuous token stream from a stack of token units, such as include files and files included by these files (nested includes) |
CPuma::UnitTokenSrc | Token unit iterator implementing the token source interface |
CPuma::Tracing | Implements tracing support for the parser |
CPuma::CSyntax::TransUnit | |
CPuma::CSyntax::TypedefName | |
CPuma::CSyntax::TypeId | |
CPuma::CCSyntax::TypeName | |
CPuma::CSyntax::TypeName | |
CPuma::CSyntax::TypeSpec | |
CPuma::CSyntax::TypeSpecSeq | |
CPuma::CSyntax::TypeSpecSeq1 | |
CPuma::CCSyntax::TypeTraitExpr | |
CPuma::CCSyntax::UnaryExpr | |
CPuma::CSyntax::UnaryExpr | |
CPuma::CSyntax::UnaryExpr1 | |
CPuma::UnitIterator | Token unit iterator supporting iteration from the beginning of a unit or any token within that unit |
CPuma::UnitManager | Class to manage the units built to parse the files of the source project |
CPuma::UnitState | Unit state information, like modification state and time of last modification |
CPuma::CCSyntax::UnnamedNsDef | |
CPuma::CCSyntax::UnnamedNsDef1 | |
CPuma::CCSyntax::UnqualId | |
CPuma::CCSyntax::UsingDecl | |
CPuma::CCSyntax::UsingDirective | |
►CPuma::VoidPtrArray | Array implementation specialized for void pointers |
CPuma::Array< Item * > | Variable length array implementation specialized for pointer types |